If there’s a concern about the interpretation of an MRI study, of course you’d call on an expert witness in radiologic interpretation… a radiologist. But what if there’s a question about how MRI safety processes worked (or didn’t work) in terms of preventing an injury (like a flying object zipping at the MRI scanner, and whoever is standing in its way)? What if something went wrong with the MRI machine, or was damaged somehow? Now it doesn’t seem to make much sense to call a radiologist… So who is the expert to call on in situations like this?
At Gilk Radiology Consultants (GRC), we surely haven’t seen it all, but we’ve seen quite a bit! From MRI magnets quenching, exploding (technically, explosive decompression), workers being injured, roof leaks damaging MRI machines, even an MRI ‘walking’ across the floor towards a wall of plate-steel. From worker injury, to patient injury, to equipment damage, to other forms of loss, we’ve seen a fair bit.
We’re also very good at translating complicated operational relationships, or the PhD-level physics of MRI scanners, in terms that everyone can understand. If you need an expert witness, with the credentials and experience to back it up, but you also want someone who can convey complex ideas in clear and concise ways to investigators, attorneys, judges, and juries, then you want GRC.
With experience in insurance / subrogation investigations, and legal expert work recognized in both State and Federal jurisdictions, you’ve found the resource you’ve been looking for.
Click for more information on GRC’s range of MRI safety consulting services.